Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Butterfly Wings

A butterfly landed on my chest this morning, after I'd dropped off the boys. Butterflies love me! It's the second time one's done it in a week. The first time, it was at the playground -- one of B1's friends said "Mister, there's a butterfly on you!" and he caught it, and (fortunately) let it go. I could see B1 trying to come up with some logical explanation for why they like me!

I should keep a tally of butterfly landings. It's nearly always Orange Lacewings, like the one above. They like me. Maybe because I'm sweet? Bahah! Or salty? (since I sweat pretty readily) Not sure. I used to blame it on shirts I wore with flowers on'em, or colors, but today's shirt is a white golf shirt with lateral navy blue stripes on it. I wanted to snap a shot of the butterfly before it fled, but wasn't quick enough.