Friday, July 29, 2011


Wow, another Midwestern monsoon blasting through the city. We've been having some wicked storms lately. This one hammered through here around 1:30 a.m. CST, lotsa lightning. We just had a big storm the other day, too. They keep coming through. The lake's levels are growing -- it's definitely higher than I've seen in years.

Apparently all these storms in the Midwest are causing problems in the Gulf with dead zones -- all the runoff going down the rivers is leading to tons of nitrogen and phosphate agricultural runoff (something like 70% from agriculture) that is causing algae blooms in the Gulf, which then sucks out all the oxygen in a region, creating a vast dead zone (last I read, the biggest dead zone down there is larger than Rhode Island and Connecticut, something like 3,300 square miles, I think). Yikes.

Great. Oceans getting more acidic, and dead zones spreading. Just one more thing to worry about on our road to extinction as a species.

And on that note, back to sleep for me! Hah!