Monday, September 20, 2010

Jumper v. Thumper

I had a scare this morning -- I thought I'd lost my 4GB jump drive, where I put all of my fiction (actually, it's only one of three places I vault it, but still, it's my mobile drive, obviously). I had thought it was lost, but it turns out, it was at home. I'd like to blame "Thumper," my nickname for the "ghost" in our place, who has a fondness for making things disappear (and reappear in places where you've already looked).

Many a story about Thumper, and not just from me -- Exene has her own share of tales. My favorite is her hearing a spoon clatter in the kitchen, and her, for a moment, thinking that it was me or the boys who did it, and then remembering that we were out of town. Then, in the morning, she checked in there, and saw a spoon sitting on the floor in the center of the kitchen floor. Anyway, the jump drive was okay, which was a big relief to me.

I call Thumper "Thumper" because of "her" tendency to knock things over. One of my own encounters had me wake up to hear "thud-a-thud" in the kitchen, and to think, at first, that it was maybe the cat. But then I saw him laying in his favorite spot. So, I thought "What the hell is Exene doing up at this hour?" and I went in there to look, but nobody was in there. Good times. Nothing like waking up to that!