Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Sheening, cont'd

This amused me -- Charlie Sheen quotes as "New Yorker" cartoon captions. How meta!

Sunshine Storytime

25,000 words and counting. I'm slowing down a little as the story gets more involved and complicated, but am keeping to at least 2,000 words a day on it. I'd like to hit the upper end of the word counts, but I have the boys for the next couple of days, and that usually confines my writing time to the morning, before the boys wake up, which'll mean around 2-4,000 words a day for the next couple of days.

I'm noticing the changing light conditions more this year than in previous years. I can see Spring approaching, even though it's still cold and blustery. The character of the light has definitely changed. I don't get affected by light levels like some folks do; I stay my cheery self in fair weather and foul, generally, but I have noticed the light getting stronger, and have enjoyed that.

Still need to do my taxes; I need to get them done and sent out before the government shutdown that's probably inevitably going to occur. Sheesh.

And in other news...
Shopping Cart Handles are Dirtier Than Public Restrooms
