Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Da Bills, Da Boys

I love online bill-pay. It rocks! Chicago's got a hit-or-miss postal service, and has for years, so bill-paying is sometimes a dicey proposition (usually at the worst possible moments). But online bill-pay, barring, say, some nasty solar flares or other EMP-related shenanigans, lets one neatly bypass that. Love it.

I got the boys haircuts the other day, and the stylist gave B2 a fauxhawk with some gel, and he loved it. It cuted me out. He said "I LIKE my fauxhawk, Daddy!" He's already a little fashionisto, it cracks me up.

He's also amazingly sharp. He doesn't miss a beat, and he draws interesting comparisons between things. A few times, he's made some kind of kid-point about something, and his logic is impeccable, and I say "You know what, you're right." I'm impressed at his ability to connect the dots on things in novel ways. He loves books, too -- loves the interplay of stories and words. His vocabulary is already far ahead of his peers.

I'm going to work on teaching the boys some languages. I think that'll be a useful summertime project for them, get their feet wet on that. B1 is already learning a language at his school, but I think the boys need to be multilingual, like people used to be in the old days. It's a real asset, and in this globalized world, it may be a vital thing to know. So many Americans can barely speak English, let alone know any foreign languages. Anyway, that's something I'm going to work on with them.

I've got the boys tonight; Exene was supposed to, but had something workish to deal with, and asked if I could have them, offered a day trade. I said "Sure." I'm always happy for more time with my guys, and made a point for Exene to note that I banked a day swap with her, so she doesn't forget. The boys'll be stoked.

SYTYCD tonight! Woo hoo! This season has been comparatively tame on the routines; they haven't gotten too weird (yet). Hopefully they'll do some wild ones, because those are always fun to watch.