Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yeah, okay...

So, today the boys enjoyed a trek to the zoo with their aunt and uncle, who were in town for their anniversary. The boys enjoyed seeing them, and vice versa. The weather was rainy and what-not, but just a light drizzle. I have a bit of a summer cold -- my first cold in a long time, likely from work.

Tomorrow I'm going to take a car to the grocery store and Target with the boys; they always love those trips, since it's like an urban adventure for them.

You know, my big beef with those Rapture dickheads is that they bilk their followers out of millions of dollars -- the leader of that particular cult has a church of over $100 million, and squeezes nearly $20 million a year out of his followers for this nonsense. False fucking prophets -- that has always been a lucrative profession. Now they'll have to come up with some new date (the guy was wrong the last time he said the world was going to end, back in 1994, and he's wrong this time, too -- but you just know his followers will keep on giving). That's the thing about messianic cult leader types -- when reality doesn't fit their delusions, they just keep on blundering on, as it reality were some kind of negotiable irritation they can ignore. That people follow them and give them money is worse, still. That's why I ridicule them -- charlatans and frauds, manipulators and controllers; they're all the same, with the same empty ambitions.

Otherwise, today was a nice day, and the boys were all huggy and sweet, enjoying their time with me. I just got'em bathed and in their jammies. They're ready to go.

Rapture Capture

Perfect for my 1000th post. Look what happened to ME today...