Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hey, There...

My Net was down since Wednesday -- somebody cut my cable line. Not actually physically sheared (like before), but just flat-out removed it. I think an overzealous and/or inattentive cable guy did it. Anyway, after several days of wrangling on the phone with them, I got them here this morning to get things up and running again.

Made good use of my "down time" -- got over 15,000 words written on the book I'm working on. Without television or Internet to distract me, I was good to go. If it weren't for having a job and minding the boys some of those days, I'd have gotten even more written.

It's surprisingly warm this weekend--looks like one last blast of warmth before the inevitable autumn chill creeps in. Right now, though, it's all very sunny and mild. Very lovely.

I'm thinking of making chicken pot pie this weekend. I have a taste for it! I'll try to get the boys to have some, although we'll see. They can be oddly picky sometimes, kid-style. The other thing I'm craving is fish-n-chips and some Newcastle Brown Ale -- must be a seasonal thing, but I'm jonesing for it. There are a number of good places for fish-n-chips in the city. My favorite is the Duke of Perth. I haven't been there for years, but that was a staple for me in the 90s -- I'd call it "going Perthing" -- they have the best Scotch bar around, a fiendish wall o' Scotch, and their hard cider and fish-n-chips are da bomb! It's been so long since I've been there! But I'm fiending for some fish-n-chips, so I'll have to make a trip there. Maybe next Friday (since they do all-you-can eat f-n-c then, although anymore, one plate is about all I can handle). I remember one time a server dropped a Shepherd's Pie on the ground -- it landed with a crunch of crockery and a plop, and everybody in the bar just stopped and looked at it. Shepherd's Pie manages to warp space and time, I think -- like the amount of stuff they cram into those little crocks is staggering. Certainly, seeing it upended like that made me realize it.

No fancy plans for the moment. Just do some writing and some biking, catch up on the world -- I feel like I've been in a news blackout the past few days, at least when I'm home.