Sunday, July 18, 2010

There She Goes

Hah. I've been home with the boys three hours now, and Exene already went out the door for some run-related activity (purportedly some nutrition class at the area running shoe store in the 'hood). Now, I've had the boys a week -- so, she's been away from them for eight days, basically. And, after that absence, she's barely hung with them at all (maybe 2.5 hours, max) and she's already out the door? Huh. B2 was asking me "Where'd Mommy go, Daddy?" I would just think a parent would want to be with their kids after not seeing them a week, but that's just me.

I asked B1 if he had fun on the trip, and he said he did, wished it could go on forever. 


Got back around 2:30 p.m. CST, so made good time. It's frickin' HOT over here. Super hot-n-humid. Lordy!

Was bummed to see another of my short stories was rejected. Urk. I'm seriously thinking of just posting them online (just some of the short stories) and see if anybody's into them. I have to think of a good concept for such a blog. Not like there aren't enough fiction blogs out there.

Meantime, glad to be home, not driving everywhere! Something like 700 miles in two days. *yawn*

Exene's 117 lbs., now. She has an appointment with the rheumo next week.

On the Road

Heading back to Chicago today. The boys have been so good on the whole trip; they were the toast of the family gathering, as I knew they would be. It's remarkably easy for me to handle this stuff solo; Exene always sweats it, but it's cake. I admit that I've had more practice at it than she has, since I drive (and she won't drive), and I spend so much time solo with the boys (because of her absenting herself), so I know the dance. But the boys were great. It sucks, however, that I didn't give myself one more vacation day (tomorrow) -- I hate thinking I have to hustle back home, and then tomorrow morning, am back in the workplace saddle. Ah, well. I didn't want to take too many days off.

Anyway, the car did well, and I'll properly blog about last week when I'm back home. Today, it'll just be me driving all day, getting the boys home. They're looking forward to being in Chicago again. B2 was cute, saying "Where are all the buildings?" when we first got out into the country. My city boys!

I'm amused at the hotel I'm at, how it says "Hello." and "Thanks." at the door. Somehow, the period ending the sentence seems less friendly than it ought to be! I'll snap a shot before I go.

When I next blog, I'll be home. "See" you soon! ; )