Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Crazy-busy week. I've already had about 6 meetings in the past 2 days! Lots of stuff to deal with. But it's all good, for sure!

I've gotten the boys' Christmas presents mostly sorted out; I try to get them each three good gifts, plus stocking stuffin's, think that's sufficient. Each thing I pick out is well-chosen, based on what the boys actually have said what they wanted (ideally something they've said they wanted months ago, so they don't remember, so there's a nice surprise factor). I'm just glad to have it all (nearly) done. Then I just have to get B1 something for his birthday (his 10th -- oh, my), and then I'll be all set. One of the gifts I got for B1 is so perfect, he'll be super-thrilled. I know it! I'll just have to keep B2 from destroying it in a fit of little brotherly pique!

Amazing that there's not been any actual snowfall proper so far. We've had a couple of flurry moments, but no honest-to-goodness winter wonderland action.

I'm going to see a band tomorrow; or, at least, I've got a ticket to do so. We'll see how industrious I am, whether I go or not. It's at one of my favorite small clubs, but because it's a haul from where I live, if it's a rotten weather night or something, I may not go. We'll see. How jaded am I? Hah. It's only a $15 ticket, so it's not like a big investment or anything.

Speaking of that, I was amused to see a check in the mail, some kind of settlement for a class-action lawsuit I didn't even realize I was in on. Hah! $18, cash-money, out of the blue. Woo hoo!