Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Beautiful day; the first truly beautiful day of the year: mild and sunny, just lovely. The city is waking up, as ever, and lots of people are out and about. I love when the city revives from its wintery hibernation. Everything's fun and possible and joyful.

I sent out another tightly-targeted query to a literary agent. Fingers crossed, as ever.

I have the boys for the next couple of days, and with the good weather, am looking forward to getting them to the playground for some quality runaround time. It's kinda funny -- in early spring, on the good days, the parents with boys are always the first ones at the playgrounds. Gotta wear out the lil' scamps! B1 and B2'll love that -- instead of pounding on each other, they can be running around in circles and what-not on the playground. I'm a firm believer in unstructured time for kids -- not one of those hyperscheduling types. One of the joys of childhood is being able to enjoy that kind of free time. I think a lot of the hoverparents who overschedule their kids are seeing them up for breakdowns in adulthood, as you get these people who've never known a real transition from childhood to adulthood, and are just accustomed to constantly living "on the clock." Sucks.

My boys understand about chores and getting stuff done, but I always try to give them room to breathe and just play as they like.

57,000 words.