Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dis & Dat

Wow, today really felt like Fall -- blustery and cool, a mix of sun and overcast skies, leaves starting to fall, swirling. The city's nature changes with Fall, as people gear up for the inevitably long winter.

I ran out and snagged a new computer, since I'm letting Exene have the iMac, and didn't want to have to default to Shitbox (as I refer to the old Dell we've had for years -- I still use it for my fiction-writing, but that's about it, although I've got all of my music on that computer, so until I get that stuff migrated to the new machine, Shitbox'll still have a place on my computer desk.

The boys were really sweet today, just lil' angels. B2 kept wanting to be with me, any time I ran my errands. He'd run and climb onto me and hold on, would say he wanted to stay with me, to go with me. That was sweet and heartbreaking, of course. B1 was sweet, too. He's getting so big. Amazing to think that B2 will be five soon, and B1 will be nine soon, as well.

Saw a woman who could've passed for Wonder Woman -- tall, and taller still with her knee boots. Just at the grocery store, getting whatever. But with her boots (themselves with at least three-inch heels, maybe four-inch heels), she was taller than me! Amazonian!

I put B2 in an Avengers t-shirt (baby blue with the original Avengers printed on the front -- Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Giant-Man, and Was). He looks super-cute in it, especially with the camo pants I put on him, too.

The boys are trying to figure out what their Halloween costumes will be. I think B2 wants to be Bumblebee from the TRANSFORMERS; B1 hasn't decided, yet. B2 will make a cute Bumblebee, for sure.