Friday, April 1, 2011

Rain Song

Cold rain today. Yick. I don't mind cold, I don't mind rain -- but cold rain is yicky.

Otherwise, a good day. Cleaned up around the apartment.

April is here. Oh, my! I turn 41 later this month. Wowzers. My 40th year came and went pretty quickly, have to say.

Speaking of going quickly, the boys are really growing fast. They're taller than ever.
B1 (9 years) is 4'8" and 77.0 lbs. B2 (5 years) is 3'9" 44.2 lbs. They're more prone to wrestling around the apartment, which is amusing to watch, especially lil' B2 dogpiling his big brother. I try to referee, ensure that nobody ends up hurt. B1 is very good to his little brother, who is just a little badger, truly -- charming to the end, but also feisty, a born competitor like me. B1 is very lucky he's the big brother, because B2 would've been a holy terror as a big brother -- all pranks and mischief and such -- but because B2 is the younger sibling, it kind of balances the scales a bit.