Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weather or not

We got a fairly righteous snowfall the other day, I think getting the back end of the nor'easter that was slamming the East Coast. It looked pretty. Maybe four inches of snow, give or take. Almost tempted me to take out the toboggan and have the boys sit in the back while I sledded them to school. Almost, but not quite.

Still working on the edits for this latest book; I really want to get it done by the weekend, get it all finalized so I can sling it out next week. We'll see. It's so damned big, it's taking time to ensure continuity and what-not.

I'm totally not watching television these days -- aside from kids' shows, I just don't watch anything. There's just nothing compelling for me, show-wise. That's good, though -- the less television, the better, in my view. Especially since I don't have premium cable, so I only get junk stuff, anyway.

Hard to believe I'll be 41 in a few months. What the hell? Hard to believe that B1 will be 10 next year. That kind of floors me, too. He's so tall, such a big boy, and has the kindest, sweetest heart of anyone I know. But I laugh, too, because he has a bit of the Dwarvish mafioso in him, too, sometimes. He'll warn his little brother "I'm holding back, but if you keep pushing me, I'm going go push YOU." B2 is so much of a rough-and-tumble lil' scrapper, even though he's dwarfed by his big brother, it doesn't deter him -- he'll divebomb him any chance he gets. B2 loves his big brother, but he also loves taking the piss. He just loves it.

It makes me laugh -- both boys have different aspects of my sense of humor, and B2 has that innate piss-taking sensibility I have. Who'd have known that this could be a heritable trait? Being a smartass? Amazing. B1 has my warmth of spirit, but it's in a latticework of a fundamental sense of How Things Should be -- he has an orderly mind and outlook. He is truly decent and good, but I'm pleased at his stubbornness, too -- it provides that sweet soul some much-needed armor for the world. When we go to school, I see him kind of go inside that armor -- when other kids are busy chasing each other and playing, B1 stands in line, waiting to be let in, lost in his own thoughts.

He's not introverted per se -- he's outgoing and affable, but there is a definite inner life to him that comes into play in some situations. Any time we go to his school, that distance comes up, and he's in School Mode, gearing up. It makes me ache a little to watch him. Everybody has their own survival strategies for school -- for me, it was that smart mouth, my sarcasm, my sense of humor, and later, my size. B1 is already taller than nearly all the kids in his grade, so he has that going for him.

I'd love to know what he's thinking when he's in line, in his own thoughts like that. I'm tempted to ask him, see what he says.