Thursday, November 10, 2011

Snow Foolin'

First snowfall of the season -- no accumulation, but snow came down, regardless. Big, thick flurries. Today was oddly unsettled -- rain in the morning, then clouds, then snow, then sun, then snow. Now windy. I biked to work today, although, clearly, my biking days are numbered. The winds are picking up, and it's getting sloppier. Makes it something of a liability to travel. I actually fell over on my bike today, something that hasn't happened in years (not even when that wave swamped me). I was at a light, waiting for it to change, and went to put a leg out to step on a curb, but I misjudged the distance, and went right over, like a tree falling over! Whoopsie! Pedestrians, to their credit, came over to help, probably thinking I had had a stroke or something, the way I just went over. I thanked them and helped myself back up. I wasn't even embarrassed, although it was certainly embarrassing. It was just one of those things, like slipping on the ice or something. Gravity reminds you who's running the show in moments like that. I was just glad I hadn't torn my slacks or messed up my shoes or anything like that.

The boys are super-stoked to have so many Daddy Days in a row. They are loving it! I am, too!