Wednesday, July 21, 2010


As you can see, my little Clementine tree is coming along nicely!


Yes, my formerly-pewter loafers are now trending toward a worldly ivory hue.

Black & Blue

You know what I want? A black Timex and some blue Sperry Top-Siders. The Timex below isn't the exact one I want, but it's close. I will get the exact one I want, once I'm able to find it. The Top-Siders should be far easier to find. I want'em, and I'm gonna get'em.

I haven't worn any Top-Siders since high school, but I always liked'em. And the blue ones are awesome. I'm totally getting'em.

Immutable Laws

I don't generally like the New Pornographers much, aside from this tune (below) and "Twin Cinema." But this video always amuses me -- crafted after an art film, I'm amused because several of the characters in it remind me of people I've known in my life...

The New Pornographers, "The Laws Have Changed"

Guy on Pedestal (particularly after he Mods up) = former coworker
Vixen Temptress = former classmate
Keyboardist = former coworker
Lead Singer Chick = former coworker
Guitarist = former coworker
Whey-faced Bartender = former coworker
Dancing Guy with Shades = former coworker

It just amuses me, how many people this video reminds me of, all in one place. I don't know of any other video that has so many!


"Louie" on FX cracks me up. This bit is funny...

"You smell like dying. It's sexy."

"Dukakis? Who's that?"


Sweaty, Wordy, Movie, Boring, Psyched, Enjoyable

Man, the dog days of Chicago summer are here. Hot and humid. Hazy! Argh! I sweat from 74 degrees on up, and we're way above that these days, with high humidity.

I got up early and banged out 1600 words on the book I'm doing right now. Pleased with that progress.

They're still apparently filming downtown. Leave it to Michael Bay to go over the top in his shooting downtown.

Editorial meeting in a few. Blech. Boring! Yawnsville!

I'm so stoked about having my own place -- I'm already plotting it out, carving out my own space. Paradise! Books! Plants! Art! Fun! Fun! Fun! So long overdue, but I'm in a great mood about it. Even with the career clouds on the horizon, I'm happy as can be, and getting happier. Getting Exene out of my mix is going to be so wonderful!

I'm taking the boys to see "Despicable Me" this weekend, since it got good reviews, and I think they'd enjoy it. And then a trip to the bookstore, and Jamba Juice. They'll have a good time, and I will, too. Those lil' guys are the best.