Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NATO, Running, Mannn

Haven't been on in a few days, alternately too busy, too bored, etc. to post. May's here already? WTF? I have this weird sense of time speeding along and dragging, as well. Can't believe summer's almost here. The city's getting all squirrelly about the upcoming NATO summit, expecting protests and what-not. I can't honestly imagine much happening, despite the breathless intonations of worry by the local newsies, etc. I mean, of all the things for Americans (particularly Chicagoans) to riot about, is NATO really high on that list? I'm just not seeing it. I mean, May Day passed comparatively quietly over here, so, barring something extraordinary, I'm thinking NATO will come and go quietly as well. If we were in Berlin, I might say there's a chance of big protests, but in the Midwest? Nah.

Blogger changed their format, bending the knee to their Google masters. In making it more Google-friendly than it was before, they've altered the layout of their site, which kinda bugs me. It feels less user-friendly to me. The posted entries look the same, of course, but the setup isn't quite right.

Did I mention that Exene got into the NY Marathon. She's predictably stoked about that. She'll be running three marathons in a row this fall, like September, October, November. That's in addition to doing an Iron Man triathlon this summer. That cray-cray. One of the many reasons for divorcing her was the endless hours she spent running, trusting me to work full-time and tend the boys while she was off running. Running is a hobby for those with a lot of time on their hands, without a lot of obligations (or with a partner willing to take care of the obligations while that person is off running -- especially if a person is doing serious distance-running, where the mileage piles up). Because in addition to the running, there's also the down-time as the running gets back and rests after their run. She's hoping to get B1 to run, to repeat her own pathology in him, but I don't think he'll be into it, in truth. Because it's not actually fun. You ever see runners at marathons? Even the elite ones look like they're in agony, let alone the tens of thousands of punters who are running in their wake.

Although this is definitely NOT Exene, I have noticed runner chicks who run while fully made up. That seems just insane to me. Makeup while running?? WTF? It looks bizarre. My nickname for them is "Spiffs."