Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monsoon Season?

Today was a day of wonders. We got hit by what I'd call a monsoon this morning -- 50 mph winds and driving rain. I was taking the boys to their sitter, and we had rain gear on and still got soaked! I went back home, got changed, brought clothes for the boys, returned to their sitter's with the dry gear after the front wave of it had passed.

I found a 1955 dime among some change I had in my desk. Silver! Nice! I could tell from the look of it, the clink it made with the others. I put it in my wallet for safekeeping.

Saw a gal on the bus who looked like a cross between Kelly Bundy and Lita Ford or the singer for Warlock -- she was in all black, with either leather or faux leather black leggings, black ankle booties, a black leather jacket, and some skull rings. 

The wind is kicking up something fierce tonight -- really, really strong. I saw this ivory scarf get yanked skyward by the wind, and wrapped in the branches of a tree -- wish I'd had a camcorder to capture that moment!

Also, on the way home, I saw something kind of surreal -- the skies were lovely, storm-clouded, with swathes of slate-blue clouds and white and gray, and, looking downtown, I saw a couple of skyscrapers that were catching the distant sunlight around the margins of the horizon, so they were these reflective pillars of silver and blue that were embedded in this mass of gray, and for a moment, gazing in that direction, I had this impression of gazing into another place -- figure and ground reversed and the buildings looked like gateways, just because they were reflecting that distant light, not the stormclouds near them, and it was disorienting for a split second, before I reassembled the image mentally. It was beautiful and uncanny.

The sunset was absolutely beautiful. I tried to snap some shots of it with my camera, which wasn't being cooperative, kept autofocusing, so I didn't get the clear shot I wanted, but the colors were amazing...


Urg. I woke up too early. Gonna try to go to sleep again in a few. I rarely ever get insomnia. The wind is howling some outside, so I'm guessing our interlude of unseasonable warmth is fast fading.

Got an interview Friday. Can't get my hopes up, but I'm certainly going to try my best. In this dire economy, it's all one can do!

The boys are in a treehouse kind of frame of mind lately -- they're all about treehouses. Obviously, with an apartment, I can't do that, but then I thought I could craft a kind of set piece treehouse using their bunk beds -- I'm going to deck out their bunks and make it look like a treehouse kind of fort (including season-appropriate construction paper leaves). They loved that idea, were enthusiastic about it. I told them I'd do it if they cleaned their room. It should be cool, if I do it right. Not a treehouse proper, but not a bad compromise, given the circumstances. I might sneak glow in the dark paint on some of the cardboard tree branches I affix to the bunk, so they'll coolly glow. They won't expect that. Muahah!

Alright, gonna try to crash again in a few....