Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Up in the Air

Summer is usually my revision time for writing projects, since Fall/Winter are my prime new material-writing time, just because as the weather gets worse, the prime "writing weather" begins. Although, with this being such a stormy summer, I had more opportunities to get some new stuff done, except for the computer woes causing troubles. Anyway, taking stock, I have 10 book projects lined up, which is a ton. That'll likely keep me busy for the next couple of years, given my schedule. I also have 8 screenplay ideas, although, as ever, screenplays are elusive beasts for me, so I can't necessarily bank on those. I may turn them into short stories, so at least they'll be done in some form, versus just ideas. I'm a firm believer in writing, versus "idea-having" as so many people are about creating. People who are like "I have a great idea for X" are a dime-a-dozen; the vast majority never do squat with their "Great Ideas." Me, I never think my ideas are all that great, but I at least follow through on them and get the fuckers written. So, anyway, realistically, with the above slate of writing projects lined up, I'm good for a couple of years, at least. I try to stay disciplined and work my way through them -- two of the ideas are sequels for books I've already written, so those will likely be at the end of the line, as I really want to work on the new ideas, first.

Thunderbirds at the Air & Water Show.
Anyway, that's all that's going on with that.