Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oscar Grouching

Aw, c'mon -- they did their horror movie montage in the Academy Awards show and included: "Jaws," "Marathon Man," "Beetlejuice," "The Sixth Sense," and "Edward Scissorhands" in the montage??

No, no, no, no, and no! Not. Horror.

PPD: Ass

A contented ass enjoys a long life.


Yesterday was very sunny. Nice day, weatherwise. I took the bus to Target, kind of a test run in my post-car-owning days. No problems -- took maybe 1.5 hours, all told (e.g., getting out there, shopping, returning). And going that way kept me from buying TOO much there (although I still topped out at $114 -- I maintain that I can't go to Target without exceeding $100 in purchases, no matter my original intent).

The bus ride was fun; it's so good for people-watching, I can't help but be amused. This father and his little daughter, the latter who kept playing with her sunglasses and dropping them, and he kept picking them up. It was cute, just the exchanged glances, the private smiles. A little game.

Saw a platinum blonde Trixie in shades with a black wool overcoat, black and white striped miniskirt, black hose, black open-toe high heels that looked like they were part felt (?), light gray scarf, burgundy fingernails (and toenails). She was absently chewing some very bright blue gum and reading Ayn Rand's "Three Plays." Ayn Rand? I always hate seeing people read Ayn Rand. Bogus intellectual. Rotten writer. Trixie actually rode on both of my buses -- I got off the first bus and waited at another stop, and then got on my connecting bus, and there was Trixie again, cracking her gum and reading her Rand (moving her lips now and again while reading).

Preppy gay guy sat nearby and gave me a couple of searching glances, seeing if I was game. His look was so retro-preppy I wanted to snicker -- I remember kids in high school prepped out like that. He reminded me of a former classmate (J. P.), who always worked that preppy look to the max. Sort of an amusing image.

My hair is pretty shaggy -- I haven't gotten it cut over the winter; just thick-haired to keep warm! My sideburns are lupine at the moment! I'm sure I'll bite the bullet and get a cut soon, but not yet. Maybe later this month.

I did some spring cleaning around the apartment, cleaned the inside and outside of the windows, which needed it badly. Satisfying to get them all cleaned up. Watched "Apollo 13" with my boys -- B1 loved it (as I knew he would). He wanted to watch it again, so I put it on later in the evening, and ordered "The Right Stuff" for him to watch, too. Anything with rockets and space, I tellya.

The whole Apollo 13 incident happened right before (and when) I was born. Like they splashed down the day after I was born.

I think I'm finally over my cold of the last couple of weeks -- just a tiny bit of it left.

Oh, I refined my White Spaghetti recipe last night -- used rotini with it, instead! I did so because I didn't have any spaghetti in stock, but I did have some rotini (I always have a strategic reserve of pasta in-house -- I told B1 "I never say 'basta!' to pasta!" and he asked what 'basta' meant, and I told him, included the accompanying hand gesture, which is almost instinctive). I'm happy to report that the rotini worked perfectly, actually better than the spaghetti I typically use. I could see Exene trying to process it and I said "What, you're going to try to assimilate that recipe, claim it for your own?" and she said "I'll give proper credit for it." and I said "Yeah, right." She'll never be able to properly replicate it, because she doesn't know all the ingredients that go into it. It takes a certain culinary nuance to get it just right. B1 actually tried some of it, which was nice, although he was skittish about the fresh diced flat-leaf parsley that was in it.

I'm going to get some writing done today.