Monday, August 15, 2011


So, I'm still trying to suss out what the problem is with the computer. I think it's Comcast that's the problem, since I got a new cable modem and hooked that up and it was still having problems. The old modem is still configured to the system, so it works, somewhat. Frickin' Comcast. This has been about three weeks' worth of annoyance. I haven't been able to devote as much attention to it as I'd like, because of work schedules and what-not. Yeargh.

Fall is creeping closer. Amazing how quickly the summer evaporated. The days are getting shorter, and a bit of autumn chill is creeping in. Before I know it, the boys'll be in school again. Lordy.

Work has been good, although I don't really talk to anybody so much, just do my thing. That's the thing about editorial work and writing -- you just do that. I don't complain about it; it's part of the discipline. All the same, it's very quiet.