Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So far, so good -- just had a sore throat yesterday, but it appears to have mostly abated since then. Hopefully my body fought off the cold. I've been pretty lucky with that the last few years. I had a sneezing fit yesterday, but that was it.

Found $.25 today, so I finally broke the $50 mark on found money for the year! A personal best!

Had conferences for the boys. B2 is rocking kindergarten; he's ahead of where he should be on all things, and is very well-behaved in class. His teacher was really glad to have him, and commented that she'd had B1 last year, and was amazed at how different the boys are, how serious B1 is, relative to his happy-go-lucky baby brother.

B1's teacher had less sanguine stuff to report; B1 is hit-or-miss on his schoolwork -- if he's focused, he rocks it, but sometimes he loses focus and the work suffers. He's particularly off-put by standardized testing. I suspect he's stressing about the time factor involved. So, Exene and I are going to work with B1 independently, help him navigate that stuff.