Saturday, July 3, 2010


So, Spain squeaked a 1 - 0 from Paraguay, and Germany trounced Argentina 4 - 0. Now to the semifinals next week:

Uruguay v. Holland
Germany v. Spain

We'll see how it goes. The Dutch are very formidable, and the German are amazing. Spain is the #2 ranked team in the world, but I don't know if they can beat Germany or not. Hope so.

B1 was doing karate today, a new thing for him. He was pretty reluctant to do it, but Exene took him with one of his friendettes. I'll see how it went for him later, when he comes back.

World Cup!

Okay, so Germany v. Argentina this morning, then Spain v. Paraguay later today! C'mon, Spain! I'm wearing my Spain jersey (also known as a "kit") today! Awooooo! B2 calls his vuvuzela his "googoozela" -- that cutes me out.

Exene is now 119 lbs.!


I saw this face on an anti-child prostitution PSA ad on the bus the other day, and almost did a spit-take in shock! It's like the SEINFELD where Elaine sees the mannequin that looks like her! I just took a hasty picture of it, as the bus was crowded, but still, it was uncanny! I'll try to snap a better picture of it if I run into it again.