Friday, February 24, 2012

Death Star

This piece amused me, talking about the affordability of the Death Star.

D'oh, Canada

Well, so much for the "Saskatchewan Screamer." While it was sloppy-snowy-wet this morning, I don't think the city got more than three inches of snow. The winds are definitely howling right now, and it's pretty chilly, but the amount of snow was paltry, compared with the usual breathless weather coverage of it. Deal with it, people -- it's SNOW. It's still WINTER. It's not the snowpocalypse! Sheesh. I sometimes think the newspeople build up this kind of stuff for lack of anything otherwise newsworthy to report. Chickenshittery carries the day.

I'm glad to be home, though, with the steam heat going, having a beer, and otherwise just savoring my Friday. Work's been crazy-busy all week, which has worn me out more than usual by the end of the day. I've always been a morning person, anyway, and do my best work in the morning. By day's end, though, my brain is fried.

I bought B1 some new shoes today; since I'd gotten his brother some new shoes the other week, I check out B1's shoes, too, and could see that he's due for some knew ones. At the rate the boys are growing (B1 is now 4'11" and B2 is over 3'10"), I'm going to be having to get them shoes every other month, I swear! Already B1's feet are just a little bit smaller than Exene's, which is amazing. I think B1's going to be about 6'6" when he grows up. He's going to be a giant. But lordy, it's going to be a challenge to get him clothes when he's a proper teen. I can see that already.