Friday, January 22, 2010


Damnable cat woke me up around 2:00 a.m. today. He wanted me to pet him, wanted to hang out on my pillow, purring in my face. I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I gave myself a bit of time to go back to sleep, couldn't, so then I got up and did laundry around 3:00. That's my way; if I can't sleep, I don't stew about it. I just get up. The laundry room in my building is in the basement -- Pennywise's Playground, it is. I don't know why I always think that when I'm down there, but there's this long hallway to one side, near the cargo elevator, and the vantage point always makes me think that. Every fucking time. Not the thing one needs to think at 3 in the morning. The funny thing is that the laundry room itself feels fairly like a sanctuary -- it's hard to think of menace tied with laundry (likely because it's all about getting clean), but when I step into the hallway, turn to the elevator, and can peer down the hallway, then it creeps me out a bit. Also, the fitness room is across from the laundry room, and there's this complete psycho who will jog the treadmill in there IN THE DARK. All hours: morning, late evening. Thankfully, he wasn't in there when I was doing the laundry, but every other time I've seen his dour self in there, he's jogging in the dark. Maybe that's his solution to working out alone, but seriously, who does that? A nutcase, that's who.

I don't drink coffee, but I had to snag a caffeinated diet soda to lurch through my day. Need a bit of the caffeine hit to function today, I think. A rarity for me, but I just need to make it through another 4.5 hours without nodding off at my desk.

This weekend is going to be very busy for me. Submitting one (for sure) or two (maybe) books to a competition, hoping something hits. We'll see.

After that, I'm thinking I'll do a fantasy novel. I've got a ton of material (~130,000 words) from a stillborn fantasy epic I wrote in 2002, material that I thought could be mined for a series of one-book fantasy novels, and I'm going to develop some of that. I would like to avoid trilogies. Tolkienitis and all of that.