Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Alright, this is amusing me. My newer computer (circa September 2010) has been on the fritz lately, plagued by some frickin' malware from Hell and/or virus that causes my browser to crash. No idea what the deal is. Anyway, I have done everything I could with that computer, still can't get it fixed, yet. Meantime, it occurred to me that I have my old computer laying around, which I'd kept because I hadn't migrated files to it. On a whim, I decided to hook it back up to the Net (the thing has been mothballed for years, as Exene and I had used an iMac, which she got when we split -- I let her have the fucking thing). Anyway, I'd not gotten rid of the old computer, as it still had all of my music on it, and I'd not gotten around to migrating my iTunes from the old machine to the new one. Anyway. voila -- back online for the moment, using the old machine. I can't even remember the last time I actually logged on with this sucker.

Looks like the last time this was used online was 8/26/2009. Bahah! I wonder if I have a blog entry back then. I should. I'll go check. Damned funny.

(moment later)

Alas, no. November and December 2009 are the earliest entries with this blog. Such dark times those were, I can hardly remember all of that. Lordy. Still, it is amusing to me to unearth this relic and run it again.

But I'm pleased that, even thought the thing is slow, it's not crashing on me like the other one. Funny thing -- after getting used to the wider screens that are common on the thinner monitors, the old, boxy monitor feels almost claustrophobic to me.