Thursday, July 8, 2010


Exene's going to the rheumo today; her ankles are more swollen than ever, and her hips were hurting her so badly yesterday that she could barely walk. It was excruciating to see that. I mean, we're going our separate ways, but I still don't want to see suffering like that. For somebody as active as she is, to be hobbled by this whatever-it-is (and, again, I suspect some kind of auto-immune reaction gone haywire, although nobody's giving clear answers), it has to be really frustrating for her. And painful, as she said it really hurt.

Cutting the cord

Our cable was cut yesterday -- I meant literally cut. Everything was dead and I went to look into it and saw that the actual cable line was cut. Some psycho had done it to our unit, and two others. No idea why -- crazy is as crazy does, right? But after seeing that there was no Net or cable television last night, what I thought was a possible network outage turned out to be some nutball actually severed three cable lines. I can't imagine it being an incompetent and/or cross-eyed cable guy doing it, as they don't need to physically sever the lines to halt service. And I'm all paid up, so it's not that. Anyway, what the fuck? So, they're supposed to get that up and running Friday.