Sunday, July 3, 2011


I had the boys at the tennis courts this morning, teaching them the basics of tennis. B1's height gives him a good opportunity for strong play, and while he's left-handed, he's somewhat ambidextrous with tennis, favoring his right hand for swings. I got B2 a little racquet of his own, and while he's got a natural sense of hand-eye coordination and speed, was more inclined to be ball boy, which was cute. The boys enjoyed themselves; I'll take them out weekend mornings for that, weather permitting. I haven't played tennis since the 90s, but since the boys are old enough and big enough to start that, I'm going to do that with them.

Speaking of that, I'm watching Djokovic v. Nadal on Wimbledon at the moment.

This article amused the hell out of me: Magneto and Charles Xavier, a love story? Apparently the sexual subtext in that new X-Men movie is pretty thick.