Monday, September 12, 2011


Saw ANOTHER car crash downtown. Not as bad as the one I'd seen last week (was it only last week? I can't remember, now). But roughly the same distance away, and me at an intersection, and another SUV, this time slamming into the back of a cab. Mostly a fender-bender, but the SUV then drove off and disappeared, leaving the cabbie in the lurch. I think it was the SUV's fault, judging from how it went. Can't believe I've seen two crashes in close succession like that. Sheesh.

Saw some bikers have a tiff of sorts, too. I only came in on the end of it, but some super-biker guy was yelling at some gal biker. Not sure what the deal was. Some of those super-bikers are insanely hardcore about biking, so who knows what the deal was.

Performance review went very well at work; there was a lot of good talk about the positive contribution I've made for the group, and what that means for my future there, and so on. It was really heartening to hear, to be honest. I am trying to do a good job, but to have that good work appreciated (and for this to be communicated to me), so much the better. Made me happy to hear it.

Am sleepy, gonna crash, I think.