Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Dazed

Wow, it feels like it's going to be a hot one today. It's already warmish. I've got the a/c on, of course, but I turn it off in the wee hours of the morning, and I can feel that it's warm.

I underslept, but am awake for the moment. Labor Day Weekend. Good lord. I'm still only barely accepting that it's September, now. WTF? Amazing.

I've got to clean up the apartment, especially the boys' room. That's one of my to-do things on my list for this long weekend. Fun, right? Woo hoo! Still, needs to be done, and it feels kind of right, getting the boys' room all squared away before school starts.

I'm watching the "Battlestar Galactica" remake. I'd watched some of the first season, but had never followed the show when it was on. I'm enjoying it, although the Starbuck annoys the shit out of me -- she's got dead eyes, which creeps the hell out of me. Kudos to Edward James Olmos -- his Adama is badass. Cool customer, conveyed perfectly. I always enjoyed Olmos when he'd turn up in a movie, but his Adama is sharp. Cool old guy.

There are a few rough edges here and there in the plotting and characterization, but overall, it's a smooth effort, better than most stuff I've scene. My boys love the ships. Makes me wish I still had my original Colonial Viper and Cylon Raider from long, long ago (I had those things for a very long time, too, until losing track of them at some point).

Anyway, the weekend will be me cleaning, writing, and watching "Galactica" and taking the boys to the park to enjoy a last summery hurrah before they're back in school.

Liked this SLATE piece on bitters, btw. Everything's better with bitters!

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