Thursday, April 22, 2010

Two Words

Want to know how to piss me off using only two words? Want proof of a godless, pointless, meaningless, senseless universe?

Diablo Cody.

Everything about Diablo Cody pisses me off. Literally everything about her. I'm getting too pissed off to even iterate all the ways in which she pisses me off, so I'm just stopping right now, because I'm breaking into a pissed-off, red-faced Dave face-sweat right now.

Sunny Delight

So, I've transcribed 93 pages of the screenplay, am nearly done with that part of it, although the work's not yet done (thankfully, plenty of time until deadline). I think it'll probably be 90 pages long when I'm finally done with it, upon revision and tightening it up. Since one page = one minute with screenplays, that's more than enough time, as I see it. I'll do what I can to tighten it all up, once it's all transcribed.

I'm drafting a lot of notes for the next book, while I'm also currently working on one (which is still nearly all written longhand, unfortunately -- I haven't yet gotten a Netbook).

Very sunny today, although chilly, too. Brrr! Yesterday was downright cold, but I think that's just the vagaries of weather here.

B1 got his report card yesterday, and did very well -- 6 A's, 4 B's. His teacher had nothing but good to say of him. He's such a sweet, good boy. Genuinely decent. We jaywalked the other day, and he said "We shouldn't jaywalk, Daddy." and I said "I know, but the bank's right across the street from here, it's not a busy street. Normally, I'd never do it, but we're RIGHT THERE." and he said "I know, but I just don't like breaking the law." Oh, my. My Lawful Good son. Such a sweetheart. I wonder how that'll stack up against the world at large, how that'll play out. I hope he never loses that sweet heart of his.

B2 is a wilder child -- he's sweet, but he's wild and wicked, too. He likes stirring the pot. He absolutely loves chaos -- you can see it. I'm a fan of chaos, myself, up to a point, but B2 is a maelstrom when he really gets going. He's also incredibly scrappy -- he seems to have gotten my fighting instincts, only wilder. Good lord, yes. I try to gently offer some moral guidance for B2, but he's still pretty resistant to it, when it suits him to be. Although he is keen to join in on things, and I can sometimes hoodwink him into being responsible by going to work on something and his desire to join in brings him to me where if I asked him to do something, he'd just blow me off.

Oh, and this should've been the theme music for my bus ride this morning.