Friday, October 28, 2011

You Don't Know Jack-O'-Lantern

I carved pumpkins with the boys tonight. Obviously, I do the carving, but B1 was great about helping scoop out the guts, and B2 was having fun hanging out and watching us and offering commentary. Here are our results, which the boys were well-pleased with...

I like to pretend that the green turban squash one is some kind of monster fish-man one.

Hello? Daylight Savings?

Man, I really wish they'd shift the Daylight Savings Time date back to what it was before GW Bush set it for; it sucks to have everything so dark in the morning. It makes it hard to get the boys up and at'em.

I had weird dreams last night, like stuff with a ventriloquist's dummy (never a good sign in a dream, right? Sheesh) I can only remember some of it, but it was like being in the basement of this place with this guy with a dummy, and somebody walked up and muttered to me "You know, the DUMMY is the one doing the thinking, here, not the GUY." And then when the guy was talking to me, I was wondering that, and was keeping an eye on the creepy dummy.

Had some other weird dream that flowed from that one, but I forget what it was, now.

Gonna pick up some pumpkins today for the boys and me to carve. They're stoked about that.