Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yeah, so...

...Comcast came Monday, but I had missed their confirmation call when the tech had gotten to my place, so I missed them, had to reschedule. Tonight, I made sure that things went well.

Some of my family is in town, and it was nice seeing them. The city is all foggy, so it was kind of nice. The boys enjoyed seeing some relatives on my side of the family -- they hadn't seen them since the road trip last year (or was it the year before? Lordy, I lost track) to the mountains down south.

Things are going pretty well, all around. I've been having some odd dreams of late -- various people I know have had walk-on parts in my dreams, to the extent that I kind of jolt in my dream, like my subconscious kinda goes "Whhhha -- ?"

Once the weather gets reliably good, I'm going to bike to work again. I like working in my fitness routine into my commute that way.


Comcast finally came through, replaced their faulty modem, so my computer at home is, again, Net-compatible. I know you've all been worried, wondering when my sparkly self would return. Bahah!

I have to mentally backtrack, since I'm many days behind, obviously!