Thursday, July 21, 2011

Its Your Loosing Lightening

Alright, people, seriously, it's time for the Grammar Police. I just see these way, way too often:

Its vs. it's

Its = possessive

Example: Our political culture has lost its mind.

It's = contraction, it is

Example: It's crazy how often people fuck this up.

Your vs. You're

Your = possessive

Example: Don't lose your marbles.

You're = contraction, you are

Example: You're making me angry by getting this wrong so often, people.

Loose v. Lose

Loose = not tight

Example: You've got a screw loose if you use "loose" when you meant "lose."

Lose = to not have something

Example: You're going to lose your ability to speak and think clearly if you keep fucking these words up.

Lightening v. Lightning

Lightening = to make lighter, whether by weight or by color

Example: Lightening the load makes the car drive better.

Lightning = giant arcs of electricity shooting through the sky during storms

Example: Lightning will fuck you up if you're not careful.

Proper use: It's amazing how often you're going to find people lightening their cranial loads with the greased lightning of bad, loose grammar, which wends its way through people's speech, causing them to lose the ability to express themselves with clarity.

Improper use: Its amazing how often your going to find people lightening their cranial loads with the greased lightening of bad, loose grammar, which wends its way through people's speech, causing them to loose the ability to express themselves with clarity.

Makes my teeth ache, seeing that -- and, if you actually parse that second sentence, you'll find that the meaning is different from the proper sentence!