Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer's End

Can't believe school's just around the corner for the boys; this summer has flown by. Everybody says that about time, but lordy, I felt it. This has been a strange year for me; good in so many ways, but strange, all the same. Somehow, conceptually, being 41 has had more of an impact on me than being 40. At least 40 had the luxury of being equidistant between 30 and 50; 41 is one step (heh, stagger) closer to 50. Gen X isn't supposed to be middle-aged; it's just wrong. Was talking with some coworkers today, and it was clear that I was older than they were -- like we were talking about 4th grade, and I had said I was in 4th grade in 1980, and they were like "Whoa." Hah. Of course, 1980 was a long time ago, now. It's just weird -- much of the 00s were kind of lost to me because of the boys, just Baby Boot Camp and that kind of thing, and navigating the many shoals in my life at that time -- I remember 1980 and 1990 more clearly than I remember 2000, in many ways. And now we're heading toward the end of 2011. Lordy. Even my "young" buds trend 30, now. That's surreal. I remember a point in my past when I knew people who were 20-somethings (this would've been when I was in my mid-20s), and I was thinking "Wow, my friends aren't kids, now; they're actual, legal adults." And now it's the equivalent, just older. Ah, well. I feel middle-aged, whatever that means, anymore. Still in my prime, but no longer a kid, and aware of that, and yet, not hobbled by it. I remember folks who were old codgers at 18 years of age; lord knows what they are now. Undead? Ha.

The boys are growing up so quickly, and growing tall. Trippy.

I saw the remake of "The Crazies." They did a good job with it, actually. Weird to think that a movie that was neck-deep in Nixonian paranoia is so topical nowadays. But it is. They did a good job with a much-bigger budget. Not a classic movie, but a good, disarming remake.