Saturday, December 5, 2009


I'm going to try for a Stegner Fellowship next year. Their time of eligibility is September 1 through December 1. I'm going to go for it, will craft some fiction for it. They typically get around 1400 applicants for it each year, so those 1:1400 odds feel pretty good to me! We'll see. That's not for awhile, obviously. Plenty of time. They are primarily about Literary(tm) fiction, so I'll do something Literary(tm) for them.

Still working on the revisions for TGO. I'm about two-thirds done with that. It'll probably take another week to iron them out. I still have to sort out the ending for it, get it right. Then I'll whip up a query for that one, see if there are any takers. More irons, more fires.