Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Train in Vain

I love that "Atlas Shrugged" tanked in the theaters. Randroids aside (and any Randroids reading this, you know what? You're all lame -- read Nietzsche, instead; that's who Ayn Rand had a real hard-on for -- maybe read that while listening to Rush; it'll be a more rewarding experiencing than wallowing through Rand's shit-awful prose), it's just gratifying to see that even in supposedly go-go capitalist America, a turgid melodrama extolling the virtues of a moribund ideologue's fevered dreams of propertarian propriety holds scant appeal. Loving it. And that the producer blew $20 million in producing this bomb, and has already declared he's not going to produce the next parts of the trilogy -- BRAVO! The cherry on top of the sundae. Good riddance to bad rubbish.