Saturday, January 16, 2010


I was doing some editing/revising of a book of mine, intending to shave about 416 words from the total. Instead, I culled 4,617 words from it. Lifted a whole chapter out of it. It's okay. It was a bit of fat that could be trimmed. So, now said book is around 145,000 words, down from a little over 150,000. It works! Leaner, meaner. That's the goal of a horror novel, anyway, yes?

With books I write, I tend to keep "Cuttings" files, where edited materials end up. I was amused to see that the Cuttings file for this book runs 60 pages -- over 30,000 words. Don't ever let it be said that I'm shy about revision!

Okay, you can say it, but I'll just look at you like you're crazy.

In other news, I found a dollar on the sidewalk, right in front of the Twin Anchors Tavern, the bar where Two-Face shoots the corrupt cop in "The Dark Knight." Alas, it was not a silver dollar.