Sunday, May 8, 2011

Splinter, Triangle, Pix, Batteries

Just a quiet Sunday night for me -- trucked the boys to Exene's, where they were, as always, reluctant to be. I watched "Splinter" -- an indie horror/monster movie. A nice effort, I have to say, and a nasty monster. Not a perfect story, but it managed to hold onto its tension nicely, despite this. I liked the quiet implications of the monster, without it being made implicit. I think that was a nice move on the part of the filmmakers, and the movie overall was a good effort, although very indie, so small-scale, although well-shot, so you didn't feel it so much. I also watched "Triangle" the day before, which was a UK horror (?) thriller (?) that was perhaps a more intriguing/disturbing movie with a curious plot twist in it that was rife with possibilities. I won't go into it, as it would spoil the movie, but it went into a very odd place, and kept getting more tangled, which compelled me to watch it to get a sense of where it was going. The writer(s) surely had fun with it.

Speaking of having fun, I've mentioned how much I am enjoying my new camera, right? I bought a couple of quads of rechargeable AA batteries, so I can always have the sucker ready to go. The thing uses four AA's at a time, so I went with the rechargeable batteries to keep the batteries out of landfills!

"Herr Schiller! Sie haben eine Möwe auf den Kopf!!"


Happy Mother's Day to all the good mothers out there, doing their thing. I know our patriarchal culture devalues the hard work you do, but as a hard-working single dad, I get it, I understand. Stay strong!

I bought a new dining room table and chairs for the boys and me. Looks sharp! I also bought a new vase for my clementine sapling, giving it room to grow further.