Sunday, September 18, 2011


Heh, this is my 1111th post on this blog. Not that this means anything, but it's still mildly amusing, I suppose.

I've been watching "Battlestar Galactica" (remake) on DVD, after having only seen the first season when that show was on  real-time. It's an entertaining show, although the endless gravitas of it kind of wears down on me a bit. Starbuck is particularly vexing -- she's straight, but they play her so butch, she's like one step short of crunching cans of beer on her forehead and putting cigars out on her tongue. It's like they wanted her to be macho Ms. Badass, without having the greenlight to make her gay or something, which would've been the ballsier move, pardon the pun. So, instead, she's Butchie LaRue and digs guys. But the half-hearted thing they have with her and Apollo reads just so wrong -- no matter who many muscle shirts they put Apollo in, he's like a nancy boy next to Starbuck, who looks like she could break Apollo over her knee. Other than that, and maybe that urgent piano score they do that's like the Cylon "Jaws" theme (typically heralding Number 6's appearance), I'm enjoying the show a great deal. Glad I'm finally watching it. Some of their narrative conceits remind me of HBO's "Oz" or "The Wire" -- like the writers just pull a character and situation out of their asses, because they have "the fleet" to draw from. "Oh, that's from the Belisaurius, a Caprican ore freighter." Sure, why not? I love that Richard Hatch, the original Apollo, is a recurring character on the show. That amuses me.