Sunday, December 20, 2009

Crush: Princess Aura

I stumbled across the 1979 animated "Flash Gordon" series on DVD at Target today. Something I hadn't watched since I was nine years old! I used to love that show, could remember the theme song, all of that. Along with "Johnny Quest," "Battle of the Planets," and a few other shows. The same production team for "Flash Gordon" did "He-Man," I think, judging from the look of it.

Anyway, watching it again, I remembered Princess Aura, Ming's naughty daughter, and the impression she made on my nine-year-old male psyche! Simply put: Princess Aura was hot. I hated that she eventually liked Prince Barin -- she was way too much woman for a Robin Hood wannabe douche like Barin. Aura was pretty hot stuff for a children's animated show!

Princess Aura was certainly nicely-realized in the live-action "Flash Gordon" that came out the following year...

But the animated Aura was my first experience with the women of Mongo.