Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Slow commute yesterday. Drives me bananas! Get me where I'm going! Argh!

I still keep waking up a bit too early (and going to bed a bit too late). Also Argh!

The radiators are kicking into gear. I always love that, their rattle and clatter and the wonderful warmth they bring.

I had a lot of odd dreams last night, although I remember only bits of them. Sometimes my dreams unfold in a documentary style, like I'm watching a movie. This one was about an intentional community for the rich somewhere, living in these Green eco-mansions, while the narrator was talking about the community. And I was trying to read some article about it, while these preppy brats were trying to take the magazine from me (which turned out to be SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN except printed on very high quality paper, very thick -- to the extent that I was musing while reading it "Is this a special issue or something? Must cost a fortune to produce this.") There was some section about composting, and some eco-wags had written a message like "Over here, Grandmother!" in some kind of stuff that drew honeybees, because that message was written in bees on the ground! That was particularly dream-weird, had me almost waking up from my dream. Then, at some point, I was in a cavernous building like McCormick Place and was talking with Obama, trying to set him straight, saying he needed to take moves from LBJ's political playbook and really play some political hardball if he had a hope of getting things done. He didn't appear to be listening, but I pressed on, at least until Michelle Obama turned up and some staffers of his. Then I just went my own way. That's about all I remember.