Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I have risen, I have risen, indeed! I hope the weather's as nice today as it was yesterday. That'd be swell! One liability with the bigger, better camera is that it requires more thought and care as to its transport. I got a little camera bag for it, but the nice thing about my older camera is it was so portable, which allowed me the opportunity for off-the-cuff, spur-of-the-moment shots. The new one requires more deliberation on my part. Ah, well. I'll get used to it. Also, its power source is AA batteries, which appear to allow for about 330 shots before the sucker runs out of juice. I'll have to dig out my rechargeable batteries, if I can still find them, and avoid wasting batteries.

You know, everybody talks about the Easter Bunny, but what about his more volatile cousin, the Ester Bunny? What about him? Hope the Ester Bunny has a good holiday, too! ; )