Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jack's Back

The bulldog was out digging up bricks again. That dog cracks me up -- this husky English Bulldog, mouthing these big bricks, digging them up around one of the city trees. The dog goes wild for'em. I laughed; I can't help it, the dog is funny -- bricks as chew toys! I asked the owner what the dog's name was, and the guy said it was "Jack." Jack's a stitch.

It's frickin' hot, and is slated to be hotter still tomorrow (and more humid).

I'm gonna make something good for dinner tonight. I'm motivated because my lunch kinda sucked today, so I'm hungry.

Bad haircuts and good philosophy

This piece in the NYT amused me...

The Phenomenology of Ugly

Bikini Zeitgeist

I was going to post this the other day, but didn't get around to it...

A Brief History of the Bikini


And then I saw this today...

Bikini Strippers Protest Church in Ohio

And felt I kind of had to post it, now. Some kind of bikini zeitgeist at work, here. But, like with so many things, reality intrudes and then you actually can see the bikini-clad Ohio strippers behind the tantalizing headline (in this video clip) and then it's just plain sad and horrifying, across the board.