Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Scuffles, Sniffles, and Skittles

Poor B1 tripped (or was tripped; still trying to suss that out) at the playground yesterday, and scuffed up his face. He has a scrape on his cheek and across the bridge of his nose. Poor lil' scamp looks like a boxer! He's okay, otherwise. I'm just glad that he didn't crack any teeth. Lordy. When B1 falls, he's like a tree being felled -- he never manages to get his hands out to catch himself.

Got a flu shot the other day. Woo hoo! We'll see if I get the flu. Any time I get that shot, I eventually catch the flu. Fucking flu!

The boys were too jaded to go trick-or-treating on Halloween! After hitting the business districts in our 'hood over the weekend, when Halloween came, I asked'em if they were up for it, and they were both "Meh." I'm old-school in my trick-or-treatery, so I was like "Really? Not even for more candy?" and they were like "Nah, we have enough candy." Wow!