Monday, May 10, 2010


I had to laugh at my horoscope today (in the Chicago Redeye)...
Mars is heightening your sex drive. You'll jump on anything that moves. If you're single, you'll be tempted to look up that psychotic-yet-sexy ex for a hop in the sack. If you're with someone, you'll want to stay in bed all day.
Who says horoscopes aren't accurate?! Bahah! It's like they've known me all my life!


I decided to migrate my reviews to another blog, just for shits-n-giggles. All the navelgazery, snarking, pettifogging, and whinging you know and love will remain HERE, Gentle Readers. But the reviews will be moved to Pirouettiquette.

I might even be super-industrious and shovel my Amazon reviews of yore onto that blog, too. Haven't decided, yet. Maybe, if I'm really slick, I'll take up that deal Blogger has with Amazon and review stuff that ties into Amazon, and maybe make a nickel or two for my troubles. How about that? We'll see how canny I am on that score. If there's a way NOT to make money from my work, by God, I'll find it!

In other news, the bus was crowded, and I stood for the whole ride, and it HURT (the hairline-fractured left foot). I just gamely did what I could, but it really hurt. Need more ice cream, obviously, to help mend my bones! ; )

Lena Horne, RIP

Aww, I saw that Lena Horne died (92 years old). I always thought she was kinda cool.

It Had Better Be Tonight

Henry Mancini composed that tune (he and I have the same birthday!)

All Better

B2 appears to have licked his fever of yesterday (he slept most of the day). He's his usual bouncy, angelic/impish self. That makes me glad -- when he gets sick, he's like me -- he just shuts down.