Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Alright, I'm done with the second draft of the SF novel. It's at 71,000 words. Now I'm going to read through it again, do a synopsis for it, and decide if it's where I want it to be. I think it's there, but it always takes another few read-throughs to know for sure. That's always the "eat your broccoli" part of writing. But I'm three days short of a month in the length of time I spent writing this one, which is a speed record for me. I've never written anything quite this quickly, which is funny, because the story never felt rushed to me -- if anything, quite the opposite. Despite the rising action in the narrative, the story feels expansive and well-paced. I don't think anybody'd guess that I wrote it in under a month.

Once I get this one fully finalized and queried to agents, gee, what'll I do next? Hmmm, oh, I know: write another book. Baha! That's what I always laugh about: the "reward" for writing is more writing.

Howling winds today, and it's getting colder. Now that spring is officially here, it feels like we're going to get some more wintery bluster.