Monday, April 5, 2010


I overheard a coworker (I'll christen her "Serpentina") talking to another (in the kitchenette) about how lovely the smell of a clutch of daffodils were -- somebody had brought'em in, put them in a vase. Well and good, but you know what? Daffodils don't smell nice. They have a sharp, acrid scent. They're pretty to look at, but clearly, Serpentina was smelling them with her eyes. It was a weird thing to say, because they're funkifying the kitchenette as I type this.

*snicker* -- "daffodildo" -- I'm pleased with that new word. I'm going to refer to it as somebody who wrongly thinks stinky flowers smell nice just because they're nice to look at. THAT is a daffodildo. You read it here first.


Having drunk my share of absinthe over the years, I can honestly say that it really does make me cackle like they do in this little clip...

I don't know of any other spirit that makes me cackle/carry on quite like absinthe, although no visual hallucinations, alas. But the cackling, most definitely. The very first time I tried it, I blogged about it (sorry, a long-extinct blog), and I was sitting there at the keyboard, cackling, trying to type. Oh, what a sight!

Hipster extinction...

I've thought about this for some time. When one would see "hipsters" in Indianapolis and Cincinnati and Youngstown and Pittsburgh, it was clear that the meme was spread far too widely to really have any weight, anymore. It's like when you see some kid completely decked out in Punk regalia, the whole works -- in 2010, right? You're like "Wow, 1977 called, they want their affectation back."

So what is a hipster, exactly?

It's a broad term, but I consider it to be rich white trash -- or people trying to stretch out adolescence as far as it'll go. It has to do with a person's attitude, and lifestyle choice, but it's also about fashion. They wear skinny jeans and ironic facial hair, and handlebar mustaches and V-neck shirts and dumb hats. They wear big glasses -- that's a key thing usually -- asymmetrical haircuts, wool caps in the summer, Yasser Arafat scarves [kaffiyehs], American spirit cigarettes, and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon or cheap beer. It's all about people trying so hard to look like they're not trying hard.

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