Monday, August 1, 2011

So far, so good

Wow. No crash on the Chrome, yet. I've got Browser Crash Stress Disorder, I think. Hah. Another annoyance -- for some reason, a few channels on my cable are mute. The picture is fine, but there's no sound. Comcast needs to get their heads out of their asses, and/or take a break from all the money they rake in to actually look after the service they're supposedly providing.


Still not 100% sure what's afflicting my system; I ran lots of antivirusware, but am unsure if that's what's fragging my browsers, or whether it's some Malware. Gotta beware of Malware, to be sure. Hah.

Chrome appears more amenable to non-crashitude, versus Firefox, which just melted down on me. Still sleuthing it out. I'm actually surprised this post has gotten as long as it has without crashing.

I was pleased with B1 today -- he helped out some kids who were being picked on by a bully. The bully was annoying kids by shooting them with a super-soaker, and he shot B1 with it, and B1 said he shouldn't be shooting the kids because it was upsetting them, and the kid tried to shoot B1 again, and B1 actually grabbed the gun and turned it on the kid and shot him with his own gun, which apparently made the kid swear at B1, which then got the kid in trouble with his and some of the other moms who were around. B1 said he felt bad for the little kids, getting sprayed by the kid. I know the kid who did it, and he's a creepy, nasty kinda kid, so I told B1 that he did the right thing by standing up to the kid. You can't let bullies have their way, or they'll walk all over you. But I was especially pleased by B1's empathy and compassion toward the little kids being picked on by the bully -- his sense of justice is strong, and his gentle nobility is integral to that.