Monday, June 27, 2011


I was pleased that, despite the hate crime shitbirds who slashed the tires on 51 of the Pride Parade floats, the organizers managed to get all the floats going, and there was a record turnout of over 750,000 this year. I hope they're able to find who did it. This is the first time I've ever heard of something like that happening, at least on that kind of scale.

I get kind of irked by the human beatbox on Electric Company. What is this, 1985? C'mon. It bugs me to see a kid doing beatboxing. Maybe it's a case of everything old being new again or something? I dunno.

Moment of pathos tonight, as B1 asked me what a "phony" was. He had seen it said on a show, asked me what it was. There was something sweet in my 9-year-old not knowing what that was. I explained it to him. B1 is the furthest thing from a phony; he's true blue. Very sweet.