Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Immutable Laws

I don't generally like the New Pornographers much, aside from this tune (below) and "Twin Cinema." But this video always amuses me -- crafted after an art film, I'm amused because several of the characters in it remind me of people I've known in my life...

The New Pornographers, "The Laws Have Changed"

Guy on Pedestal (particularly after he Mods up) = former coworker
Vixen Temptress = former classmate
Keyboardist = former coworker
Lead Singer Chick = former coworker
Guitarist = former coworker
Whey-faced Bartender = former coworker
Dancing Guy with Shades = former coworker

It just amuses me, how many people this video reminds me of, all in one place. I don't know of any other video that has so many!